Ivan Korade

Ivan Korade

Ivan Korade in army uniform
Background information
Born December 17, 1963
Velika Veternička, Yugoslavia
Died April 3, 2008(2008-04-03) (aged 44)
Velika Veternička, Croatia
Cause of death Suicide by firearm
Number of victims: Five (Davor Petriš, Cilika Hudić, Goran Hudić, Franjo Kos, Marijo Kusanić)
Span of killings March 2008–April 2008
Country Croatia

Ivan Korade (December 17, 1963 – April 3, 2008) was a Croatian Army general famous for his role in the Croatian War of Independence. Korade's long history of violent behaviour resulted in forced retirement in 1997 and culminated in a 2008 shooting spree in which he murdered five people before committing suicide.


Early life and military career

Ivan Korade was born in 1963 in Velika Veternička, a village near Zlatar in Hrvatsko Zagorje. Before the start of the Yugoslav Wars, he worked as a central heating installer.[1] Korade's military career began in 1991, when he volunteered for a special operations police unit.[2] After the Croatian National Guard was formed, he joined the 1st Guards Brigade ("The Tigers") and became a battalion commander in 1992. He was badly injured in Dubrovnik in 1992, losing his left arm, but returned to action after only two weeks of recovery, and became the first commander of the newly formed 7th Guards Brigade ("Pumas") in 1993.[2][3] His brigade was the first to enter Knin on 5 August 1995, and Korade raised the Croatian flag at the Knin Fortress.[2] He returned to fight in Bosnia in September 1995.[2]

He retired from his post in 1997 after causing brawls during football matches at the club "Bojovnik 7".[2]

After retirement

In September 2000, Korade was one of the signers of the Twelve Generals' Letter.

In the following years, he has been linked to several crimes, including beatings and drunk driving.[4] In 2001, he was convicted of violent behaviour and maltreatment of a man six years earlier, and Korade received a suspended eight-month sentence.[4] Croatian authorities have been criticised for allowing these incidents to occur.[4]


On April 1, 2008, Korade was charged with the March 27 murders of four people in his village of Velika Veternička: a 16-year-old boy, a 62-year-old female relative, and two men, including former aide Davor Petriš.[4][5][6] Croatian media reported that one of the victims was shot in the eyes and another was stabbed with a knife.[4] He went missing after the killings and hundreds of police officers, backed by several helicopters, searched for him in the village and in abandoned mines and nearby hills.[4]

They looked for him 8 days. In the beginning, he wasn't accused of murders, but simply was looked for by the police as a 'person who can help in the resolving of the case'. After a few days, police found Korade's vehicle near the forest and started to investigate the forest. Few nights after, police spotted a 'person who fits in Korade's description' with an thermal vision camera, but they did not manage to arrest him. Following the discovery of the dead bodies, Korade was accused of 4 murders and a kidnapping.


On April 3, 2008, police officers found a bottle of alcohol and saw a broken window on one house. They started walking towards the house to investigate it, but suddenly rifle gunshot started from a house and one police officer was wounded. He died on the way to the hospital.[4] Police then surrounded the house and started throwing tear gas into the house. When police finally broke into the house, Korade was dead. He was hiding in a house in Velika Veternička when police surrounded him.[4] Surrounded with bombs and other weapons, Korade apparently committed suicide; although local media speculated that he had been killed by police.[4]


Korade was buried at Petrova Gora, and the funeral was attended by many of his comrades.[7] The locals of Veternička publicly expressed a desire for him to be buried elsewhere.[8] The policeman that Korade had killed, Mario Kusanić, was posthumously decorated with the Order of Petar Zrinski and Fran Krsto Frankopan.[9]

By committing suicide, Korade escaped being tried for war crimes during the military campaign "Maestral" in Glamoc, Bosnia and Herzegovina (1995), where he commanded over the "Pumas".[10]

Korade's son Mario was later arrested on two occasions, first for domestic violence[11] and later for a bar brawl.[12]


  1. ^ Šoštarić, Eduard (April 3, 2008). "Americans unsettled by Korade affair". nacional.hr (Nacional). http://www.nacional.hr/en/clanak/44208/americans-unsettled-by-korade-affair. Retrieved 2010-07-27. 
  2. ^ a b c d e Deželić, Vanja (April 3, 2008). "General Ivan Korade's Past". dalje.com (Kontineo oglašavanje d.o.o.). http://dalje.com/en-croatia/general-ivan-korades-past/137355. Retrieved 2010-07-27. 
  3. ^ Korade: General heroj, ali i opasan i okrutan nasilnik (Croatian)
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Retired Croatian army general, suspected in quadruple murder, dies". Associated Press (International Herald Tribune). April 3, 2008. http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/04/03/europe/EU-GEN-Croatia-General-Suicide.php. Retrieved 2008-04-04. 
  5. ^ "Ivan Korade hunted over murder of neighbours in Velika Veternicka". The Times (London). March 29, 2008. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article3643437.ece. Retrieved 2008-04-04. 
  6. ^ "Gory Path Of Croatian General's Massacre". dalje.com (Kontineo oglašavanje d.o.o.). April 3, 2008. http://dalje.com/en-croatia/gory-path-of-croatian-generals-massacre/137281. Retrieved 2008-04-04. 
  7. ^ "Pokopan peterostruki ubojica Ivan Korade" (in Croatian). Dnevnik.hr/Nova TV. 2008-04-08. http://dnevnik.hr/vijesti/hrvatska/pokopan-ivan-korade.html. Retrieved 2010-12-19. 
  8. ^ "Policajca Marija Kusanića posthumno će odlikovati" (in Croatian). 24 sata. 2008-04-05. http://www.24sata.hr/crna-kronika-news/policajca-marija-kusanica-posthumno-ce-odlikovati-57004/. Retrieved 2010-12-19. 
  9. ^ "Ubijeni pripadnik Kobri posmrtno odlikovan" (in Croatian). Jutarnji list. 2008-04-05. http://www.jutarnji.hr/ubijeni-pripadnik-kobri-posmrtno-odlikovan/186587/. Retrieved 2010-12-19. 
  10. ^ . http://www.novilist.hr/hr/Vijesti/Crna-kronika/Pume-terete-suborce-za-likvidaciju-zarobljenika-Korade-je-bio-gospodar-zivota-i-smrti. 
  11. ^ "Koradeov sin Mario pretukao nevjenčanu suprugu" (in Croatian). Slobodna Dalmacija. 2008-08-25. http://www.slobodnadalmacija.hr/Hrvatska/tabid/66/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/19788/Default.aspx. Retrieved 2010-12-19. 
  12. ^ "Mario Korade opet divlja" (in Croatian). Jutarnji list. 2009-01-30. http://www.jutarnji.hr/mario-korade-opet-divlja/285109/. Retrieved 2010-12-19. 

External links